Queen Muz-Ra #18
#27 of Queen Muz-Ra
Horse Trading
I am NOT a Lizard you neck-bearded monkey!
| "I knew you would be, and thank you Ubergard," Muz-Ra said, sincerely. But inwardly she knew that Ubergard was thinking of a danger some months down the line at a potential wedding, not this very day.
"Well, that's alright. I don't need to involve my friends in my idiotic scheme," she thought. | |
| Kitty returned and leaned on the table.
"Thanks for cooking Kitty! It was very good."
"Oh, no problem at all. I may not be able to make a souffle, but I can whip up a basic breakfast no problem!"
"Well, it was just perfect. I especially like the strawberries!"
Kitty nodded, "Gotta have something healthy in there..." | |
| "Kitty, about that horse..."
"Oh! You need some gold, right? How much do you think? And don't worry if it's outrageous, you get what you want. But... do you even know how to keep a horse? We've got stables outside but I don't think Uber or I know anything about them."
"I'll figure it out. Maybe I'll hire someone. Plenty of your tenants have horses, I'm sure they'd love to make some extra septims by helping."
"Ok... so how much do you think? Most horses run around 1000 septims." | |
| "I think I'll need about 3000."
Kitty tried not to show any shock at the amount. This Argonian had saved her life, probably more than once. She had no right at all to complain. But 3000 septims would almost buy a warhorse, if they had any in Skyrim.
"You've got it," she responded with as much normality as possible.
"I know it's too much Kitty."
"Red, you've never asked for much, and you spend next to nothing on yourself. I can't imagine why you suddenly got it into your head to own a horse, but if keeping a horse is what you want, then you'll get it."
"Thank you so much Kitty!"
"Oh relax, I'll earn that in a few weeks. Now let me go and I'll bring it now." | |
| An hour later, Kitty had given her the money and Muz-Ra was on her way to the Whiterun Stables dressed in the dress she'd first used in Dragonsreach. She'd brought along her gold bikini just in case.
Though both Ubergard and Kitty had offered to come along and help her choose a horse, Muz-Ra had been insistent upon going alone. Now she found herself oddly at peace. "I guess once you've made up your mind to do something like this, it's actually quite simple!" | |
| A few minutes later, she was talking with Skulvar, the horse trader. "Skulvar," she stated matter-of-factly, "I need a horse. A special horse."
"Say, you're that Argonian that lives with Kitty at the castle, right?"
"Yup, that's me. Muz-Ra, though everyone just calls me Red."
"Hehe... for that snout, right? Ah you lizards, got the weirdest names." | |
| Suddenly Muz-Ra stepped very close to the horse trader and said quietly but with obvious menace, "I am not a lizard. I am an Argonian." She opened her mouth to reveal her sharp and carnivorous teeth, then continued, "See these teeth? They could rip your head from your neck before you could scream. Lizards don't have teeth like these. See the difference?"
The stunned man backed away, eyes wide. "I... Yes! I'm sorry, I won't make that mistake again!" | |
| "Now that we've got that straight, can we get back to horses?"
Skulvar gulped, but the possibility of a sale soon overcame his sudden fear and they resumed horse-trading...
"C... come and take a look at my stock... Muz-Ra. I've got some really fine horses ya know. Maybe not all that fast, but they can take a beating and the snow too. You going on a trip?"
"You might say that. A very short trip though. But I know which horse I want."
"Oh? Which one?"
"The white one."
"You mean the Grey?"
"No... the White." | |
| The merchant looked at her askance. "Oh, you don't want that one. She's not built for riding in the wilds. She's meant for royalty. You know, you can't find many pure-white horses like her. We don't even keep her in the stables with the other horses at night. I know she's a fine looking horse. Best I've ever seen. But she's just not cut out for tramping through the mountains. She's bred for prancing around a parade ground. A real show horse. She wouldn't last two minutes against a pack of wolves." |
| Muz-Ra patiently waited for his protest to conclude before continuing, "I want her. How much?"
Skulvar raised an eyebrow. Internally he was calculating. This Argonian was nuts, but she did live in a castle. Very likely she had access to serious money.
"You're going to think I'm gouging you, but I need 10,000 septims for that horse."