Just What I Always Wanted

Story by BadRoy on SoFurry

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#4 of Transformation

"Randy receives a birthday gift which at first appears to be a dud. Little does he know this unassuming gift will unleash the beast within."

"'All my wishes will come true' Pffft. She is such a jerk." Randy Ambrose mutters to himself as he locks his door of his truck. Randy is returning from a dinner celebrating his birthday. It was a small affair with his best friends and some family in attendance. The food was good and the mixed drink he'd ordered phenomenal. All had expressed their enjoyment and the mood was high. The one event that put a bizarre damper on the evening was the opening of the gifts. For weeks prior Randy's best friend Jane had promised she was getting him something really special. She teased and teased about the nature of the gift much to Randy's chagrin and growing anticipation. He couldn't imagine what it might be, but he was more than excited to open it.

Jane handed Randy a flat, ornate looking box no thicker than a small paperback novel. The designs upon it were queer, exotic, and vaguely scary. Jane urged Randy to open it. Upon doing so he was met with a waft of purple powder which quickly vanished into thin air. On the soft velvet inlay of the box was a card which had written in calligraphy upon it 'May all your wishes come true.' Grant was unsure whether the box itself was the gift or if it was a long-form joke on his behalf. He was cordial and thanked his friend genuinely, but he felt frustrated at having been lead on. Now as Randy grumpily climbs the stairs to his apartment he contemplates ways to get back at Jane for her joke.

When Randy unlocks his door he saunters in and finds that none of his roommates are home. Two had been at his party and were going elsewhere afterward, the other is working late. The apartment which feels so overstimulated when four people are home presently feels entirely cavernous and still. Making his way through his quiet apartment Randy wonders what he might do for the remainder of the night. By the time he reaches and turns on his PC he settles on walking to his nearby friend's apartment for video games as a plan. As Randy logs in another idea stealthily steals into his consciousness. His roommates are gone, and he doesn't have to be off for an hour or so. 'Just enough time to... yeah, then shower and leave.' he thinks.

With his mind set he sits at the computer and navigates to one of his most frequented sites: FurAffinity. He searches, as usual, for images of werewolves. He loves all anthropomorphic animal forms, but the werewolf has always been his favorite. His search presents him with monsters of all shapes and sizes. Some of the beasts are majestic, some bestial. All with gnashing claws, and hungry wolven maws. Randy happens upon a new image. It is a transformation sequence wherein the slender human gradually becomes a hulking and powerful-looking werewolf. Its muscles bulge and claws gleam. The line work is clean and the coloring ideal. Randy unbuttons his pants.

Barely taking his eyes off of the erotic transformation on the screen Randy doffs all of his clothing. He hastily pulls of his undershirt and underwear. After removing his socks he rises to his feet and procures a towel which he sets beneath his desk on the floor. Finally prepared Randy sits at his desk and reaches for the hand lotion.

"God damn, so sexy." He breathes loningly. "I wish I could be one of them."

Were he less distracted as he muttered the statement he would have seen something very unusual. The box he received from Jane, which was sitting on his bookshelf, began to vibrate and release mists of the same curious vapor as it had before. Randy only began to notice this when the mystical fog pooled around his ankles. What he did notice immediately was a sudden unnatural brightness to his room. He glance out his partly drawn window shades to find a haunting full moon looming overhead. He looked to the floor where the mist had dissipated.

"What the hell? Tonight isn't a full moon." Randy whispered before shrugging and returning to his dirty deed.

Before Randy could get started though a tingling sensation, which had started as soon as Randy saw the sudden full moon, became a worrisome and painful burning.

"Ahh, what the hell is that?" Randy shouts as he clutches his right foot which is where the pain is most severe. As he holds his throbbing, shuddering foot changes begin to take place. HE feels the bones within begin to shift and rearrange painfully. "Ow, wh--what is happening?"

His toes, with a racket of cracks and pops, pack tightly together. The skin of their bottoms swell and harden into black pads. In morbid fascination Randy watches as his toenails curl upon themselves forming claws. Soon they are robust and strong. They glisten in the moonlight.

"Is thisss aa..." Randy moans "A paw!?" In his increasingly pain-wracked mind a picture forms. The paw sprouts black fur which spreads slowly. 'A werewolf!!' He thinks. *K-kr-krack* As he does so the arch of his foot lengthens suddenly giving him a truly digitigrade leg. Delight and horror play in his mind. He is, impossibly, becoming what he has always dreamed of being. This extremely pleasing thought was almost enough to dampen the incredible pain. Almost.

"Wow my own paw." He says marveling at the new appendage. "And it's so big! Murrr. Ack, Arrrghh."

Randy drops his transforming leg and attends to his hand which has begun to burn and throb as well. The first change is in the knuckles which pop one by one and grow to twice their previous size. This makes his hands seem disproportionally large. *Krak-pop-pop* Next his fingers swell and swell. They appear like sausages with a taut thick skin which collects copiously around the enlarged knuckles.

"Arrrn, it hurtsss." Randy moans in a voice which is steadily growing deeper and more bestial. He holds the transforming hand in his normal one.

As the skin turns black his claws take shape as they did on his toes. He is soon equipped with five long and thick claws. White and shining. The skin of his palms has thickened considerably giving it a calloused and feel.

"Grroah. I didn't think it wold hurt this bad." Randy growls as his legs, both of which now fully digitigrade begin to bulk up in mass. Each muscle seems to enlarge itself separately with the cumulative effect of his legs appearing to balloon. The black fur ripples over the resulting mountains and crevices of sinew. Similar changes occur in his arms. He holps his weaponized hands in front of his face as first his wrists then his forearms and upper arms grow to enormous proportions.

"So huge, yyyeahh." Randy groans with difficulty. *Krrrkack* His shoulders finally adjust and sit proud and strong.

At this point Randy's arms and legs are enormous and fully werewolf. He takes the momentary lapse in changes to rise from his chair to his brand new paws. Though he is nearly delirious with pain he loves how it feels. He shifts weight on his padded toes while flexing his arms. Then when the transformation resumes he doubles over onto his desk, knocking it over.

"Oh, oh no. My, my back. Ahhhh." Leaning on the toppled desk Randy braces for discomfort.

*Krk-pop-pop-pop* Randy's spine begins to extend. Vertebrae by vertebrae he grows with each cracking audibly to signal its change. "Noooo, it's too much. Arrrgh." Randy yells with a snarl.

As his back is extending, which proves an agonizingly slow process, Randy's face follows suit. First his nose blackens and takes on the pebbly texture of that of a canine. He brings his oversized and calloused hands to his cheeks just in time to feel his bones rearrange and his muzzle protrude. *Cr-cr-crik* The pain causes Randy to whine as a wolf would when in pain. He removes his hands only when the pain seems to subside and he is staring down the snarling muzzle of a werewolf. His teeth, formerly flat and suited to both plant and animal food begin to take an obviously carnivorous cast. He tests the transformed teeth with some snaps of his jaw. They feel powerful.

"Arugh, Rowwgh?" When Randy tries to speak he finds the capacity is no longer with him. He snarls in annoyance. His back, with some final snaps and cracks has finally reached its final height. When Randy's core muscles develop enough to support his bulky top half he stands wobblingly on his massive paws. He stands fully at nearly eight feet. His growing werewolf ears just graze the ceiling. He glances at the paws far below him. The muscular thighs which give way to a thick and barreled chest. He loves what he sees.

Randy is blinded momentarily as his eyes transform. His formerly pale blue eyes become a vicious, almost-glowing red. This final adjustment coincides with the conclusion of a subtle continuous one. The boy's rational mind, throughout his painful transformation, was slowly submerged in an animalistic hunger. As his voice was lost so too was the ability to defy his basest instincts. He stands now hunched over panting and growling with his claws gnashing persistently.

"Hruf. Awooooo." Randy howls. His wild body and mind hunger. For food, for blood, for... sexual release. Indeed Randy's largely human-shaped, though suitably massive cock stands fully erect. Randy stumbles backward as an aftershock of the intense transformation. In doing so he happens to catch his reflection in his standing mirror.

"Grrahh!" Randy in a jolt bares his fangs at the offending werewolf while brandishing his gleaming claws. When his opponent continues to mirror his own movements the reality of the situation slowly reaches the dormant logical portion of his brain. He chuffs at his foolish mistake and relaxes his guard. However his wild red eyes linger on his reflection. Though he has no memory of once being human traces of his... unique sexuality bleed through the lycanthropic madness.

Randy runs one of his pawlike hands over his abdomen. His claws trace the muscular outlines and tickle him wonderfully. For the first time Werewolf Randy takes a look at his demonic maw. He draws back his lip to look at the giant, rending teeth within. His reflection, which to nearly any other person would appear terrifying or repugnant is unspeakably sexy. He takes a moment to flex his every muscle group. Meaty thighs, giant paws, a broad and potent chest. It is too much for the horny monster.

After spying his hugely erect dick in the reflection Randy looks down to investigate it closer. It is roughly a foot in length with a suitably wide girth. It is redder than that of a human and with a bulb as canines have. It stands proudly and dribbles pre in anticipation. Without a sound Randy sits on the edge of his bed which cracks under his weight. He has an odd sense of being outside of himself. His simple werewolf mind only knowing that it has always dreamed of this situation. With an indescribable senseo f glee he wraps his leathery palms around the long shaft and begins to pump.

The effects are immediate. Where Randy had with relative tranquility begun to masturbate the beast exerted itself immediately. Huffing and snarling the werewolf pumps at his meat. His foot-claws dig into the carpet and the bed rocks furiously. Randy watches the werewolf in the mirror pleasuring itself and the effect is doubled.

"Hunh, hunh, hunh. Rrrawwwl" He growls in indescribable delight. His the thick palms of his hands running the length of the shaft swiftly and repeatedly. He is careful of the sharp claws. His danling endowments supply ample lubricant. The testes working on a superhuman level. In fact his hands are coated in the stuff. Randy digs the claws of his free hand into the bed leaving a mess and five neat holes. If anyone would happen to walk into the room he would not be stopped. He drowns in the lust of the moment.

Randy's sensitive canine nose is ablaze with novel sensation. The wondrous scents which are undetectable to humans captivate him. But above these aromas another commands. The very smell of his own horny, masculine form drives Randy wild. He can't sniff the intoxicating waft enough. He leans forward as his stroking draws him closer to climax. Peering over the bed Randy adores his paws. Paws had always been a fetish of his and seeing them in real life was endlessly erotic. He adores the chunky pads and general digitigrade sheep of the leg. He twiddles his toes and the claws within them. The realization again seeps into his mind. 'This is me.... Those are my paws.' A distant voice whispers.

Randy's fuzzy balls twitch. He is close. He brings his other hand to task and pumps at his massive cock with both.

"Grhh, grhh." He moans with heavy breathe escaping his maw. His panting tongue lolls. When he finally climaxes the walls shake with his impassioned roars. Through the triumphant howling he pump. He ejaculates for minutes. A pool of his relatively clear and aqueous cum collects on the floor. As his coming at length finishes Randy is left quivering. Having felt the pleasure his logical mind long considered impossible the werewolf collapses onto his back.

Now momentarily depleted Randy is able to reflect rationally on the preceding events. He doesn't understand for what reason this was able to occur, but he could not care less. 'I can't believe this is real.' He thinks as lifts a massive hand above his maw. His seed coats the palm. Bringing a claw to his lips he lewdly licks the cum from it and savors the salty taste. 'I'm really a werewolf. A real fucking werewolf.' After admiring his form further while relaxing the ferocious aspect of Randy's brain takes command again. He needs to go, he decides. His human mind fully agreeing and enjoying the wildness of his instincts.

Naturally the werewolf makes no effort to clean itself. He rises to his powerful paws and makes for the window. The monster has no fear of heights. No fear of anything in fact. He stands on the edge of his windowsill for a period. Taking in the sensations of the outside world with his canine senses for the first time. Randy eyes an adjacent rooftop and after coiling his thigh muscles launches from his window. He lands adroitly. After marveling at the amazing distance he just travelled the werewolf roars in pride. He would then steal off into the night doing any and every thing in the name of his own pleasure until the full moon gave way to Helios and its tomorrow.

Randy's body would be found in the morning. His roommates initially assumed he had had too much to drink and fell asleep with his face on his desk, but when one of them tried to nudge him awake this idea was dashed. When further rousing failed to wake him Randy's friends dialed 911 who in turn sent an ambulance. The doctors were mystified. Randy appeared perfectly healthy. EEG testing revealed that Randy's brain was functioning as if in a REM state. When Randy's parents and Jane tearfully inquired as to when he might wake up the doctors could give no answer. Randy's case was entirely unique. Jane thankfully had no way to know that the gift she had given her best friend was, in a way, the best one of them all. She had in fact given him what he had always wished for. But no one could have predicted the cosmic cost.

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