
Story by BadRoy on SoFurry

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When Judy invites Nick to her room for the first time after a steamy night on the town the fox is forced to confront the challenges, and the pleasant surprises, that come with an interspecies relationship.

Hope you enjoy my first stab at the Zootopia Universe! I really enjoyed writing this so I'll probably dive into the setting again soon.

"No way! No. Wha-are you kidding me?" Nick says, tugging at his captive arm "This is our first night off in almost a week. I'm supposed to meet the guys for cards tonight! Also why is your grip so strong?" After some struggling the fox manages to shake his hand free of Judy's grasp. She laughs and continues to skip ahead of him.

"I know you're not going to let a defenseless little bunny like me walk home alone at night. I could be trampled or eaten! I need your, um, your night vision." Judy says sarcastically. She bounces along with an unusual swagger.

"Hah! Defenseless as a bear." Nick says, "You're a cop, just flash your badge and you'll be fine. Side note: the streetlights are on." His reluctance is an act of course. He had resigned himself to Judy's bizarre demand as soon as she'd asked it. He is in no hurry to meet his friends and is happy enough to play along with his rabbit friend for now.

It is an unbearably sweltering night in Sahara Square. The nights and the days are both naturally hot, but this night is particularly steamy. Both Nick and Judy are dressed lightly and they eagerly approach the transfer walkway leading to Judy's neighborhood. Judy stumbles occasionally causing them both to chuckle. At one point she nearly fell onto a porcupine's back before Nick grabbed her arm and stood her up. The fox strolls casually. He had been dying for a night away from work and is presently coming to the comforting realization that he honestly wouldn't want to spend it with anyone other than Judy. He acts unaffected and humors her when she excitedly remarks at the sights and sounds common to the city which are still novel and fascinating to the rural rabbit.

It was Judy who had discovered Pug's Pub, and soon after Nick joined the Zootopia Police Department she began to periodically invite him to join her there after work for drinks. It is a cozy joint, some would call it a 'dive,' located near the border of Sahara Square. The dog-owned bar is ideal for animals of Judy's and Nick's sizes and the owner is a friend of the force, a fact which Nick exploited as soon as he learned of it to coerce discounts on food and drink. Other officers would sometimes join Judy and Nick, even the Chief on the occasion of Nick's birthday, but for the most part Nick and Judy would trek there by themselves and spend much of their nights together. Over the past month or so they have been steadily wandering into the puzzling and exciting limbo where they are perfectly happy as friends, yet if things were to become romantic neither party would be upset by the development. Though it is with a fair amount of withheld trepidation that Nick allows Judy to cling to his arm now.

The pair finally exit the buffeting heat waves of Sahara Square and enter the mild, residential district that Judy calls home. Being a less commercial sector than Sahara Square it is much quieter.

"You know Carrots, I'm actually glad I came along. That terrifying, sweet old lady who tried to sell us flowers looked pretty surly. Good thing you had a tough and just really handsome fox around to keep you safe." Nick says as they come into view of Judy's homely apartment building. Judy shoves the fox with surprising strength, nearly knocking him off his balance.

"Oh please, I know you're a big softie Nicholas P. Mild." Judy says, grinning up at him when he has regained his footing. The sweetness of her smirk and the loving look in her purple eyes pierces Nick to the core and a flash of doubt mars his features momentarily before he checks himself and dons a mostly-earnest grin for the bunny. If she hadn't had anything to drink she surely would have notices his hesitation, but thankfully she blissfully accepted Nick's gesture and clung once again to his arm.

Flirting and teasing had been a key element of Nick and Judy's relationship from the outset. Nick is a habitual teaser yet every time he thinks he will have Judy flustered by a snide remark she snaps at him with a genius retort which puts him off of his own guard. Over time the flirting has carried more and more subtextual baggage to mirror the progress of their relationship. Tonight Judy is being more forward and intimate than usual, an exciting turn of events which makes Nick anxious nonetheless. He shakes off Judy's hug as casually as possible and she allows herself to be let go as she walks to the door of her apartment.

"Well Miss Hopps if you have no further need of a police escort I will be on my way." Nick says, turning away. "See you on Monday Carrots, I hope you aren't too hung o--." Nick is cut short by a sharp, yet playful yank of his tail. The fur on his spine stands on end. This gesture of courtship is common amongst foxes and Nick is surprised, as he often has been since meeting her, that Judy is aware of it. He winces and knows a turbulent concoction of dread and pure glee. His ears swivel around as Judy speaks.

"Come on Nick. Don't you want to come up and see my place? It's not much but it is definitely cozy." She says. When Nick hesitatingly looks over his shoulder he finds Judy leaning sultrily on the railing. With her ears turned outward just so and her eyes half-lidded her intent could not be any more plain. And its effect is not lost on the fox who swallows dryly. The jut of Judy's strong thighs speaks the inviting body language that any mammal would recognize instantly. The angle of her lean and the patient tap of her feet draw him in like a riptide but the heavy pangs of concern pull him down to Earth. He, unlike Judy presently, understands the risks of the path of intimacy along which Judy is presently dragging him. He knows he should summon a workable excuse and leave. He certainly could were the rabbit's charms not so effective. He joins Judy on the landing, looking down at her warmly.

"Heh, after you." He says, holding the door open and gesturing her inside. Judy's eyes light up and she hurries ahead of her partner. Nick follows slowly. As the pair ascend the unfortunate-looking staircase to Judy's floor the rabbit makes a point of bobbing her rear directly at Nick's eye level. Despite his inhibitions he allows his eyes to follow the bounce of the rabbit's healthy hips.

"I must have had more to drink than I thought. I'm having visions of dancing cotton balls." Nick says.

"Oh shush, you like it." Judy says. When the pair reach the landing before her floor Judy jumps the remaining six steps and begins to dig her keys from her small purse. By the time Nick has ascended the stairs and joined her Judy has thrown open the door to her dingy, one-bedroom apartment which is small even for a rabbit. Nick leans on Judy's head and inspects the place.

"Is this what a police officer's wage gets you? Yikes, maybe I should get out while I can." Nick says.

"It might be a little ... lived in, but I'm looking for something better now that I have a few paychecks under my belt." Judy says, shrugging Nick's elbow off of her head and stepping into her room. The bunny tosses her bag onto her desk carelessly and falls face first onto her bed before righting herself and sitting on its edge.

Nick, grimacing internally at the impending conversation he had been putting off for as long as possible, steps into Judy's bedroom, shuts the door, and leans casually against the desk facing her. The train which had been passing loudly a mere 200 feet from Judy's window vanishes into a tunnel leaving Judy and Nick in pregnant silence.

"I don't bite." Judy says, patting a spot beside her. She begs the fox to join her with her every minute motion. Nick stands with caution. He is desperate for a way to escape the situation without hurting Judy's feelings but this is proving increasingly impossible. The precocious bunny is dead-set on him.

"Haha, Oh boy. You're drunk, Carrots. Have a cold shower and call me tomorrow alright? I have places to be." Nick says as smoothly as he can.

"Wha--Nick? Where are you going?" Judy says, the confusion and hurt in her voice stinging Nick terribly. When Nick doesn't stop she rises from the bed and pads toward him quickly. "Nick! You know I only had two Ram Adams, and that was over an hour ago, I'm fine. What's wrong?" Judy catches Nick's hand-paw in hers and holds it gently. The fox returns the squeeze before withdrawing his arm. He avoids Judy's gaze to make his attempted escape easier.

"Judy, I just, I really don't think you want to go down this road with someone like me." Nick says, making it plain that by 'someone like me,' he is implying 'someone of his species.'

Interspecies relationships, in Zootopia and the world beyond it, are a union that scant decades ago would have ruined those involved in the eyes of society. It was very strongly resisted in all of its forms until waves of once-scattered partners banded together to fight for their right to be together as lovers. It was not until the 60s that legislation passed which legalized the practice. Over the past five decades interspecies coupling has come a long way in the public eye to the point where it is presently surpassing the progress made by the gay rights movement. There are reality shows and in-depth documentaries surrounding some of the more outlandish animal pairings within Zootopia. Interspecies relationships typically develop between animals of similar shape and size simply because of convenience: dogs and wolves, lions and tigers, rabbits and hares. However shows like "Odd Couples" have highlighted couples like the infamous Sally and Gus, a ferret who fell in love with a bear. In spite of the many complications all interspecies couples face they more-often-than-not manage to make the relationship work. In spite of the acceptance the movement has earned though the conversation does still come with a bit of baggage.

"Oh Nick is that all you're worried about?" Judy says, relaxing a bit. "I mean I'm sure my great-grandparents are rolling in their graves right now, but Nick it's 2016 and we're two consenting adults. You know I wouldn't picture you to be the kind of guy who worries about what society thinks of him." The rabbit sidles between Nick and the door with an expression both stern and soft. Her ears are down and she inches toward the fox cautiously. Noting Nick's consternation Judy tries a different tack, "We've been getting... really close Nick. I see the way you look at me, even you aren't crafty enough to hide that. I really like you Nick, and I think you feel the same way, don't you?"

"I like you Judy. In fact you might be my favorite little bunny on the force." Nick says in a desperate attempt to lighten the mood. Judy chuckles in spite of herself.

"He-hehn-Nick I'm serious. What's wrong?" Judy says, leaning against the door. Nick deflates a bit and backs up a step.

"Do you really not see the problem here? There's a mechanical issue. The parts don't fit. What if I... hurt you?" Nick says, breathing heavily from the personal outburst. Judy watches him with concern. Looking at her now a new worry springs to Nick's mind. "My God. What if you do get hurt? After all the 'Savage Incidents" last month I'd be destroyed. A male fox and a female bunny, what a cliché. I wouldn't stand a chance." Nick says, heart racing. After the socially damaging events caused by Mayor Bellwether a month prior the relationship between predator and prey animals has been healing, but there are naturally plenty of individuals ready to stoke the flames of predatory hate again and the scene Nick is envisioning would definitely be on a picket sign of theirs.

"Hey, Nick slow down." Judy says. She approaches and places her hand-paws on Nick's chest calming him somewhat. The fox looks down at the bunny and she up at him. Nick allows his arms to do what they like and embrace Judy snugly. Her fur, different from that of a fox obviously, is very plush and downy. Her scent, sensed strongly now in their intimate embrace, is somewhat floral in note. Nick lets out an exasperated sigh and the exhaled breath seems to take with it all of the discontentment Nick had been carrying for weeks regarding his and Judy's blossoming relationship. When Nick has calmed suitably Judy adds, "I would never pin something like that on you, come on." The fox hugs Judy tighter and inhales sharply revealing more than he intended about himself. "My guess is that somebody hurt you in the past right?" After a wordless moment she says, "Well, I want to hear that story sometime." Taking Nick's hand-paw in hers Judy walks Nick toward her bed, this time with much less resistance from him.

"Yeah, sure Carrots." Nick says, continuing to feel the slow release of his keyed up inhibitions.

"We'll just take this slow y'know? So you've never... with, um, a rabbit before?" Judy says.

"Uh no. And I know you've never been with a fox before." Nick says.

"Heh, I have not. That is correct." Judy says, clutching his hand-paw tightly. Nick is happy to feel his excitement filling in the gaps his trepidation left behind. He notices now the alluring way Judy's fur glows in the moonlight from the window. Judy's apartment is high enough that no one below will see them and the full view of night sky is romantic even in the tiny apartment room. Nearly at the bed now Nick finds himself unbuttoning his shirt unthinkingly. Judy shrugs her wide-collared top so that the garment droops baring her slim shoulders and the two sit on the edge of Judy's bed. Simultaneously Nick and Judy embrace one another with unprecedented passion. Judy buries her head in Nick's neck to find it is a perfect fit. She nuzzles him like this while hugging him tightly about the chest and rubbing her bosom into his. Nick, endlessly thankful Judy had pushed him to this point, takes his time relishing Judy's scent with his excellent sense of smell. In his caution he holds the rabbit gingerly but allows his hand-paws to explore a bit as well.

The pair swiftly graduate from snuggling to experimental heavy petting. Judy makes the first move by continuing to unbutton Nick's shirt with a puckish smirk. Nick makes a toothy grin and begins unstrapping Judy's belt. All of this undressing is interspersed with bouts of sensual stroking. The exoticness of one another's forms is incredibly exciting. Nick and Judy are both mammals of course, but as they are different species they each possess unique traits that are both new and in this context arousing. The size difference between the two alone is a unique hurdle. To Judy the fox is almost larger than life with his big hand-paws holding her gently. Comparatively Judy seems small and waifish to Nick. Simple things like the slopes of their legs and shapes of their muzzles are different and the pair take intimate note of these features as their busy paws caress. Judy is incredibly fit for a rabbit. Nick allows his paws to linger on her thick, strong thighs. When finally free of his shirt Judy runs her paws over the fox's chest fur. Nick is not overly muscular, but is naturally bulkier than the largest rabbits. Their eyes meet and communicate their readiness wordlessly.

After taking a moment to disrobe completely Judy stands upon her bed eye-level with Nick who is seated. They look one another up and down with curious excitement. Having only been intimate within their own species previously this is a completely new experience. Judy presses Nick onto his back and straddles his chest. The fox plants a peck on her cheek.

"You're, heh, pretty big." Judy says, chuckling.

"Well it's like they say, once you go fox you don't go back." Nick says.

"Oh is that what they say?! I'll be the judge of that." Judy says. She leans in and gives Nick a tender lick on the muzzle as she positions herself. Nick is forced to chuckle as she manipulates herself atop him because she is so light as to tickle his chest. Nick aids Judy by steadying his cock. He looks on with some concern as the rabbit begins to press herself onto the organ.

"Easy carrots." Nick says. Surprisingly though a lewd smile spreads across Judy's face as she takes in Nick's member.

"Unnggg yeah." Judy says. She does a heroic job of accommodating for Nick's large size.

"Wu-woah." Nick says, tossing his head back. Judy's pussy is roomier and wetter than it ought to be but the fox is not complaining. Looking up at Judy and admiring the jiggling of her small, perky breasts Nick holds Judy's thighs lightly. True to form the rabbit manages to insert the majority of the larger mammal's cock and in fact she has derived much pleasure from doing so. She runs her hands through the thick fur around Nick's neck.

"Un-Nick, it, it feels good. Really good!" Judy says in an effort to assuage Nick's concern for her safety. Nick had already calmed himself however. Judy Hopps has consistently proven herself to be strong and dedicated and in this situation she is no different. He grins up at her while the rabbit begins to grind. She moves slowly at first, and not only because her knees are weak from the pleasure. Feeling thoroughly and pleasantly filled the rabbit finds a suitable angle. When she is accustomed to the size of her partner Judy uses her powerful legs to hump the fox with an increasing pace.

"Judy, Judy wwoooah!" Nick moans, gripping the footboard of Judy's bed so tightly that he leaves claw marks. The fox pants mouth agape as his world reels. Judy holds onto Nick's torso with her relatively small paws and ruts onto her partner masterfully. "Y-you -unf- wow." Nick says. He looks down at Judy with admiration and she responds with a blushing look of pride. The rabbit is an experienced lover, perhaps more so than her partner, and she puts her skills to bear in riding the fox with an ideal pace. She knows when to slow herself and when to relentlessly grind her wet pussy to its deepest. Nick can barely keep up, though he does manage to wrap his hand paws around Judy's hips and return some of the humping work. The rabbit is pleased by this and occasionally squeals in response to Nick's well-times jabs.

As they hump away Nick gradually grows comfortable with Judy's lasting constitution. Perhaps his deeply set concerns weren't as well-founded as he'd thought. He licks Judy's cheek lewdly causing her to pause, albeit briefly. In this time though Nick manages to turn the tables and lay Judy on her back. The fox looms over her, blocking out the moonlight. Still inside Judy, Nick begins to lay into her steadily and deeply.

"Oooooh-hoho, ooff, Nick yessss." Judy groans, running her hand-paws over her shuddering frame. Nick plants a paw on the headboard and grinds his partner. The flip into a more active role pleases the fox who settles into a slow, but forceful repetition in his humping. Nick rocks Judy's bed and gradually pushes her into her pillows. The rabbits eyes flutter and she grips her sheets tightly.

"How's that? Is that doing it for you?" Nick asks sarcastically.

"Unnnhh, uh-huh." Judy groans. As Nick steadily approaches his climax he has an idea. He places a supportive hand underneath Judy's back and lifts her easily. Judy catches onto his idea and wraps her arms around the fox's trunk. Nick rests Judy against the wall and with both him and her supporting her meager weight he begins humping again with gravity doing half of the work. Judy moans periodically now, and with increasing volume. Nick leans in to kiss Judy's cheek and she whispers: "Bite my neck."

"Whu-what? What are you talking about?" Nick says, looking into Judy's pleading eyes. "Are you crazy?"

"Just lightly, come on!" Judy says, her cheeks blushing mightily through her fur.

"You're serious? You are insane, bunny." Nick says. The fox is both appalled and intrigued by the kinky request. He bows his neck forward and closes his jaws lightly around Judy's neck to the point where his canines just graze the fur on her neck. The effect is sufficient for Judy however. The rabbit feels enveloped by the fox, but in this moment she wouldn't have it any other way.

"Yeessss Nick! Come on!" Judy says loudly. Nick doesn't need the instruction. The fox bites Judy's neck playfully as he humps. Then all at once, after a particularly firm hump Judy's hands grip his sides tightly and the rabbit screeches. In response to her overwhelming orgasm Nick soon climaxes as well. Growling a bit Nick blows his load which proves to be too copious for Judy to contain and a bit of it drips. Regardless afterward Judy is a quivering ball of fur clinging to the Fox who holds her more lovingly than he has anyone before. When the pair are mutually satisfied Nick returns Judy to the bed. And remains looming above her after withdrawing his cock. They tongue kiss playfully which proves to be a challenge for Nick given Judy's rabbit incisors but he happily adapts. The pair continue to moan and chuckle periodically.

"Hey rabbit, why don't you and your friend get a room over there?!" One of Judy's obnoxious neighbors shouts through the paper-thin walls. She and Nick freeze.

"They're already in a room, stupid. What are you? An idiot?" The other shouts.

"I know they're already in a room, it's a saying!" The first replies before their conversation devolves into a battle of name-calling. Nick and Judy break into fits of laughter at the uncomfortable situation. Eventually, laying facing each other the pair relax.

"You know next time, just a thought, maybe we should head to my place instead?" Nick says eyeballing the grimy walls dividing them from the loud ungulates next door.

"Hmmm. Next time?" Judy says with a mirthful expression. "Didn't you say something about taking it slow with this interspecies situation, Mr. Wilde?"

"Uhh, well. I mean we can take it slow i-if--" Nick begins.

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding. Definitely your place next time, whenever that is." Judy says, allowing her forehead to collide gently with Nick's. The two remain like this until sleep takes them. And in the open moonlight Nick, at least, had the best nights' sleep he has had in a month snuggled warmly with Judy Hopps the small, bright, and strong-willed rabbit.

The Gray Demon's Bracer

* * * "I can't believe you bought that thing." Sam declares, "That guy was a total freak." "What can I say? It looks cool." Aaron replies in reference to the decorative leather armband he has recently purchased from the square's new antique...

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